Item Refund Policy

If your item arrives damaged, doesn’t match the listing description, or is the wrong item, you can return it for a refund if you let us know in 7 days. If you’ve changed your mind and want to return it, you can ask us if well accept a return. To start a return, email . We have 3 business days to get back to you.

How they respond depends on the reason for your return.
Here is all of the options on how we will respond1. Accept your return request and offer a full refund – You’ll return the item and well issue you a full refund – this may or may not include the original shipping cost. we will usually refund you using the same payment method. 2. If the returned item is opened, used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return shipping because it wasn’t packaged correctly, we might deduct from your refund to cover the loss in the item’s value. 3. Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item –say if you ordered the wrong thing by accident. 4. Offer you a replacement or an exchange – We may offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund. 5. Decline your return request – We may decline your return request if you changed your mind about an item. 6. Send you a message – We may ask you for some more details about your return request. When we reply, we’ll send you an email with details of the next steps.

Send the item back

When your return request is accepted, you’ll receive a return shipping label , or you’ll be asked to purchase one directly from a carrier. Who covers the shipping costs depends on why you’re returning it.

You’ll also receive a date by which you should ship the item back. If you don’t ship the return by that date, we may close the request and you will not receive a refund.

Keep in mind that the condition of the item you send back to us is important, so repack it carefully. If you return the item used, damaged, missing parts, or damaged during return shipping because it wasn’t packaged correctly, we may deduct from your refund to cover the loss in the item’s value.

Get your refund

Once the we receives the item back from you, or once we’ve agreed to refund you and let you keep the item, we have 3 business days to issue your refund. When they do, you’ll receive an email letting you know.

It usually takes 3 to 5 business days for a PayPal refund to go through. If you paid with a credit card, it may take up to 30 days to process, depending on your card provider.

We currently accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and Amex, through our direct store.